LKM Tuning firma?

Alles was Technik & Umbau/Aufbau betrifft...
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Registriert: 03 Mai 2012 1:52
ZXR-Modellreihe: K (91/92)

LKM Tuning firma?

Beitrag von Flemming »

Hi guys.

I was looking around and found this company:

I'm looking for to bore my engine to 950cc and maybe port it since everything is down.

I see they've been around for 30 years and seem to sell cheap new 2015 bikes(with tuning?).

Anyone have any experience from them? Is it worth the price? Are they any good? Can they do whatever I need to have done to my bike?

Could I get some tips to what I could or should do to it if I take it 900km all the way down there? How does the ZX9B-motor stand the tuning if I reach 160+ HK? What would I need to do?

Don't be afraid to answer in Deutch :)


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Registriert: 28 Sep 2014 12:37
ZXR-Modellreihe: J (91/92)

Re: LKM Tuning firma?

Beitrag von Drachenreiter »

LKM is a known tuning company, and as far as I know also afford the good work.
Appropriate payment, of course.
The question is whether you really have so much money into the old bike stuck or want to buy something that is there in the Store.
if($ahnung == NULL){read FAQ; use SEARCH; use GOOGLE ;} else {use brain;make post;}Bild

Beiträge: 44
Registriert: 03 Mai 2012 1:52
ZXR-Modellreihe: K (91/92)

Re: LKM Tuning firma?

Beitrag von Flemming »

Great, but not even LKM wants to do the job. This really sucks.....


And yes, I'm looking for the new R1M. Last week I sold my R1 -08 but is seems impossible to get hold of an R1M.

Now what the hell am I going to do? My ZXR doesn't run well on the track and I can't get hold of a R1M.

Did he mean in entire Germany or just the ones they are selling?

Pimperella die Fruchtbarkeitsgöttin
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Registriert: 18 Sep 2002 17:59
ZXR-Modellreihe: anderes Mopped

Re: LKM Tuning firma?

Beitrag von Terrini »

He means the R1M is sold out in Germany in total.
As LKM wont do work to your engine, there is no more need to write about their qualitiy of work, to regular customers...

Send an email to MCT Lohmann ... itung.html" onclick=";return false; in Hannover, Germany, and ask them about the 950 - they used to do Tuning on the 750 and 900.
keinen Bock mehr auf Signaturen :|
