Öhlins, Wilbers, Nitron, WP?

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Öhlins, Wilbers, Nitron, WP?

Beitrag von Flemming »

Anyone have anything to say about the shock and springs from either brand? Which one works good on the ZXR you think?

I'm thinking of putting Wilber's springs in the ZX10R front end. What's the quality on those?

For the rear shock I'm thinking of Nitron. Anyone used these on the track?

With steering damper I'll go either with Hyperpro or Öhlins.

If anyone has any nice tips regarding this I'll be thankful. :)

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Re: Öhlins, Wilbers, Nitron, WP?

Beitrag von Tie »

http://www.bikers-top-brands.de/shop/de ... supplier/4
http://www.bikers-top-brands.de/shop/de ... ategory/30

But I don't have any own experiences...
"Benny" rides a Bitubo rear-damper at his K.
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Re: Öhlins, Wilbers, Nitron, WP?

Beitrag von Harm »

On race tracks u see Oehlins most.
depending on financial power of owner :)
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Re: Öhlins, Wilbers, Nitron, WP?

Beitrag von Klaus69 »

I user Hyper pro linear front springs in a zx 7 P fork and ohlins rear shock at both ( street and track ) bikes. Each fork and shock has been custumized by an Suspension tuner for my needs. Also i changed the rear spring to my weight and riding style. Can`t say anything bad about this Setup. BUT this is the only experience with aftermarket parts i have. Why i use ohlins :?: Because there is more spread knowledge available at the track.

Also it was relativly cheap because i bought my ohlins shocks as used parts for ~ 150€ each. The money for tuning and revision is spend not only once. I see this like buying new brake pads. You need them again and again... The faster you will become the more often you need to fine tune the setup...

If i would like to buy a new shock without keeping money in mind i would like to try this one:
Bild Why :?: Because it`s available in new and has got high and lowspeed compression damping adjuster. BUT you need to know to use them right. For a less experienced rider wo does not want to run to a suspension pro day by day this could be overkill :-) More possabillatys to do it wrong and kill tires in no time :oo:

Where do you want to use the bike and which level of speed / experience do you have. Hints from way faster or slower rider wont help you that much as long you are not aware of the difference. I am only fast enough to ride into the middle group but at least i am pretty shure i will learn to be faster by the time...
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Re: Öhlins, Wilbers, Nitron, WP?

Beitrag von Osmosedreiklang »

Hej Flemming,
just one year ago I have changed to a Bitubo shock absorber (as per attached picture.)

It is fully adjustable and up until now I only made great experiences with this type.
Additionally to the change of the shock absorber I lowered the tail of my bike for some milimeters and it perfectly works fine for me now ...

And btw: with 199EUR it was quite cheap concerning the prices of Oehlins, Wilbers, etc.
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